FL Studio Tutorial For Beginners

Learn to make music in FL Studio, by following along step by step, and making a complete track from start to finish. On the way, you'll learn everything about FL Studio and music production you need to make your own music, in any genre you like.

Watch the course overview for a more in-depth look at what you'll get out of the course, and listen to the track you will make

23 Lessons - 5 Hours


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FL Studio Tutorial For Beginners

The reason we get great reviews...

FL Studio is an incredibly powerful DAW, capable of the highest level of professional music production. In order to learn it, you need a tutorial with the same level of professionalism, and a teacher who is passionate about helping you become a better producer.


Our tutorials take months of planning and execution. Everything you are taught has the sole purpose of giving you the best learning experience and the greatest transfer of knowledge possible. Simple, powerful & fun.

What are you going to get out of it?


There is no way around it. If you want to get good at making music, you need to gain experience. When you follow our FL Studio tutorial, that is exactly what you are getting, not just the theory, or someone explaining what each button does (when you have no context to understand it in the first place). On this course you get real, practical experience, that will actually help you make your own music.


Music Production Skills

It's all good learning about FL Studio, but if you don't know anything about music production you will never get anywhere. In this course you learn music production skills at the same time as learning about FL Studio. Not only that, but you learn them in a linear fashion, which is the same as when you work on projects in the real world. This approach is far more effective than traditional training methods.


In this course you'll gain many inspiring ways to help you make your own music, including the steps required to get you there. Everything from coming up with melodies, to chopping up loops to creating your own original beats. The possibilities are endless and you'll go away with a load of easy to repeat ideas that you can use in your own tracks.



There is nothing quite like the satisfaction felt when you complete a song. In each and every lesson, you will progress as a music producer, and add more and more to your track until it is complete. Going from the basics of creating a beat, creating a melody, arranging your track into a full song, learning to record vocals & guitar, and mixing all of it together is something YOU CAN achieve, even as a complete beginner

Check out the first 4 lessons of the course and see how easy it really is...


We hope the first 4 lessons were helpful. If you want to continue to learn music production in FL Studio and finish the track you have started, please click the button and gain access to the remaining 21 lessons (over 4 hours) of FL Studio and music production gold dust.


We keep the price of our beginner courses low so they are accessible to everyone. By making a commitment to yourself in learning FL Studio, you are also supporting us, and enabling us to keep making these in-depth tutorials that help thousands of fellow earthlings around the world become better music producers.

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  • Instant Download
  • FL Studio 'Fruity', 'Producer' & 'Signature' compatible
  • Only stock plugins and FREE instruments used
  • Email support (less than 24 hour response time)
  • All audio, and FL Studio project files are provided

Course Structure

Course Structure

Module 1 - Getting Started

You will get right into making a beat and learning how the interface works in FL Studio. This is often confusing for people new to FL, but in this course it is broken down into easy to understand chunks that you will repeat many times during the course.

All of this is shown and explained whilst you are making your own drum beat out of FL's stock sounds. Even if you have never made a drum beat before, it is all clearly shown and explained. You will learn about 'swing' and how to create organic drums by changing the velocity of hits.


Module 2 - Chords & Melodies

In this module you will learn how to take a melody that you have in your head and transfer it to FL Studio. This is very easily done, even if you don't have any music theory knowledge. You'll learn easy to repeat steps that you can follow in all your projects.

The melody of the track is super important as it will spike a listener's interest, and if done right will keep them engaged with your track, and with a bit of guidance you can learn to make this more complex and interesting by using simple and easy to repeat techniques.


Module 3 - Effects & Instruments

You'll learn how to use the GMS synthesizer to manipulate sounds to create unique variants of bass sounds, lead sounds and even a customizable white noise riser/downfilter.

You will then use the plugins in FL Studio to further process these sounds to make them sound larger than life and change the tonal quality of them to suit the track.

Module 4 - Song Structure

So you have all these great parts for your track, now it is time to arrange them into a structure that tells a great story. You're going to become familiar with what a good arrangement is and why the energy levels of each section are so important. You will be able to choose the right elements for each section and be able to make each section stand out. A great story/song has ups and downs, it has tension and release and it generates an emotional connection with the listener.


Module 5 - Recording

In this module you will learn how to setup to record a microphone for the singer. Things like how far from the mic should the singer be, what sort of sound isolation you should use, is all covered. Once we have dealt with external setup we'll dive into FL Studio and get it set up, ready to record. We then take all our recorded audio (provided) and you will 'comp' together one great take out of the different performances we get to make one exceptional performance, using timing and pitch correction to make it flawless.


Module 6 - Mixing

Mixing can be one of the most difficult things to get right when you are new to making music. Here you will learn how to approach it and how to avoid common mistakes that other producers make. The key to a good mix is balance, but you need to understand what that means and how to achieve it. You're going to mix and master the track you make with all the tools available in FL Studio. Volume mixing is the start and then using EQ and compression to clean and tighten. You'll use more advanced processes like saturation, and simple levelling to create a balanced mix


Jon Merritt (producer, tutor & founder of Born To Produce) has been making tunes for over 20 years and has been teaching for the last 10 of them. In his career, he has come to grips with many genres of modern music from Hard House to Downtempo.

His skill in music production has been crafted over many years of self taught experimentation and learning from other producers at the top of their game. He has tried almost every angle on most production techniques, so when he teaches you something you know it has been tried and tested, and refined. He is always willing to learn new skills / software that further the goal of music production.

Get in contact any time to give feedback, ask for help, or just say hello. Use the contact form HERE