Halion Sonic SE 3 Tutorial

This VST does a lot more than you probably realise, and it comes free with Cubase!

In this new course,  you will learn everything you need to know about Halion Sonic SE3 over 13 lessons. Starting with the real basics, progressing through all menus, pages & instruments, right through to making an 8 part track with only 1 instance of Halion running.

Watch the course overview for a more in-depth look at what you'll get out of the course

13 Lessons - 1 Hour 30 Minutes

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Course Structure

Course Structure

Module 1 - Intro & Overview


After a short intro from your tutor Jay, you'll get a guided tour around this VST and discover that there are 5 main sections to be aware of. This acts as an overview for beginners. You'll then delve deeper and learn how each section / window of Halion Sonic SE3 is laid out and it's purpose. This Module is great for people who have either never used this synth before or have loaded it up but don't really understand it.


Module 2 - Layers & Multiple Programs


In the 2nd Module you will learn how to start creating your own sounds rather than just choosing presets. You'll see how easy it is to combine 2 or 3 sounds together by manipulating MIDI channels and the built in mixer, and then how to save your own sound. You'll also learn how to create a multi program which is multiple sounds all using different MIDI channels - therefore alleviating the need to have multiple instances of Halion Sonic running.


Module 3 - Keyboard & Velocity Mapping


This Module deals with some very useful features. You'll discover that you can split your keyboard so for example the lower half triggers a bass sample and the upper half plays something else like a piano.

You will also learn about velocity mapping. This is where you can program Halion to only trigger a layer to play once the key has been pressed with a certain pressure. Handy for adding interest into your sounds!

Module 4 - Assignable Pads & Quick Controls


We're now probably getting to the stuff that you didn't know but will always use from now on. You will learn how you can trigger full chords from just one key. These can be any chords, even ones you program yourself. You can also change arpeggiator type from single keys too and change both together during live play. Next it's making use of and learning how to program the quick controls. Again this is really useful when playing live or for users that prefer the hands on approach.


Module 5 - FX Page & External Routing


In the 5th Module we explore the built in effects page and it's capabilities. You'll learn why, when and how to apply insert FX and how they differ from the 4 aux busses available. Also how to apply FX to individual elements or the main output. However there are still limitations, like there is no EQ and only stock plugins etc; Jay shows you how to route the channels out of Halion and into their own tracks in Cubase, so you are free to use plugins of your own choice.


Module 6 - Trip & Flux


Did you know there was a wavetable synth within Halion Sonic SE3? Well if you're an Artist or Pro user there is, and it's called Flux. Here you will discover how to make modern EDM sounds using wavetable synthesis, with a detailed run down of all the various pages and tabs within this beast. Trip is also a great analogue style synth (like Retrologue) and therefore gets the same level of detail. Trip also has a great arpeggiator so have fun with these 2 awesome instruments and learn how to use these instruments fully.

Check out these free lessons from the course...


We hope the 2 free lessons were helpful. If you want to continue to learn music production skills using Halion Sonic SE 3, please click the button and gain access to the remaining 11 lessons (over 1 hour).


By making a commitment to yourself in learning more skills, you are also supporting us, and enabling us to keep making these in-depth tutorials that help thousands of fellow earthlings around the world become better music producers.

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  • Instant Download
  • Cubase 'Elements', 'Artist' & 'Pro' compatible
  • Email support (less than 24 hour response time)

The reason we get great reviews...

Cubase & its combined tools are incredibly powerful, capable of the highest level of professional music production. In order to learn them, you need tutorials with the same level of professionalism, and teachers who are passionate about helping you become a better producer.


Our tutorials take months of planning and execution. Everything you are taught has the sole purpose of giving you the best learning experience and the greatest transfer of knowledge possible. Simple, powerful & fun.


Born To Produce is a Steinberg certified training centre


Jay Hales (Tutor & Co-Founder of Born To Produce) has produced in most genres over the last 20 years, as well as successfully DJ'ing across many countries throughout Europe. He writes music for TV companies and makes his own personal music in a wide range of genres.


His attention to detail, knowledge and clear teaching style make him the perfect person to learn your music production skills from. He is super approachable so feel free to get in contact with him and ask a question. He is also open to feedback and always looking for ways to improve and offer even more value for money.

Get in contact any time to give feedback, ask for help, or just say hello. Use the contact form HERE