Mixing With Saturation Tutorial






Mixing With Saturation Tutorial

Saturation is one of the most powerful tools you can use to take your mixes from sounding just 'OK' to fully professional. This course will teach you to use saturation to give your tracks a polish and shine that you cannot get with any other type of plug in effect.

Watch the course overview for a more in-depth look at what you'll get out of the course

13 Lessons - 1 hour 30 min - Any Genre, Any DAW

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What are you going to get out of it?

Greater Experience

Perhaps you have successfully completed one of our beginner tutorials, or you are looking to take your music production skills to the next level. These any DAW Masterclass tutorials have all the knowledge you need in order for you to bring your mixes, recordings, vocals, drums and arrangements to life.


A Higher Level Of Music Production Skills

These any DAW Masterclass tutorials are full of more advanced music production techniques, that will help you discover new producer skills. All these tutorials are made so you can jump to any specific skill or technique in the lessons, that you may be having difficulty with, and find a solution that is easy to follow and implement in your own projects.

Fresh Inspiration

In this course you'll gain many inspiring ways to help you make your own music, including the steps required to get you there. Everything from polished mixes to creative ideas to help inspire you. The possibilities are endless and you'll go away with a load of easy to repeat ideas that you can use in your own tracks.


Reward From Your Own Abilities

If you have already completed one of our beginner tutorials you will know, there is nothing quite like the satisfaction felt when you complete a song. These Masterclass music production tutorials will help you make your own songs sound much more professional, much cleaner and more creative.

Check out these free lessons from the course...


We hope the free lessons were helpful. If you want to continue to learn to mix with saturation, please click the button and gain access to the remaining 10 lessons (over 1 hour) of mixing with saturation & music production gold dust.


By making a commitment to yourself and taking a further step on your journey to become a better music producer, you are also supporting us, and enabling us to keep making these in-depth tutorials that help thousands of fellow earthlings around the world become better music producers like you.

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  • Instant Download
  • Any DAW compatible*
  • Email support (less than 24 hour response time)

* Requires you know your way around your DAW of choice (not for complete beginners)

Course Structure

Course Structure

Module 1 - Foundational Knowledge Of The Saturation Effect


After a short intro from your tutor Jon, we'll go through the foundational knowledge and answer some important questions like; Why use saturation? What can be accomplished by using saturation in your mixes? Which saturation plug in should you use? See the first 3 videos of this tutorial BELOW and watch this first module for free.





Module 2 - Where Should You Apply Saturation In Your Mixes?


Saturation, when used correctly in a mix can transform an amateur sounding mix into a professional sounding one. If used wrongly however, it can be detrimental to your mixes and actually make them sound worse. So it's vital to know where in your mix you should apply the saturation effect. Here you'll learn the overall perspective that will enable you to use saturation effectively in any mix.


Module 3 - Applying Saturation To The Kick, Snare And Drums


The drums in general are great elements to add saturation to. Here you'll learn how to fatten up and give an analogue feel to kicks & snares to make them really punch and cut through the mix. Getting your drum patterns to sound like they are one group that was made to be together is a trick all producers need to know. Here you'll learn to use saturation to accomplish this task and make all the drums sit together nicely in the mix.

Module 4 - Applying Saturation To The Bass, Vocals And Leeds


It's important to use saturation on the main elements of your mix to help them shine out more than the other elements. Here you'll learn how to really add warmth and fatten up sub bass synths, making a digital sounding sub sound warm and analogue. You'll learn to add a professional shine and polish to any vocal performance and you'll learn to use saturation to add a presence and attitude to lead synths which really makes them stand out.


Module 5 - Mixing & Mastering With Saturation


Here you'll learn about adding saturation at the group / bus level to enable you to treat multiple elements of your mix in one go. This is an important step to getting the elements of your mix to sit together. You'll also see what saturation is and isn't capable of doing at the mastering stage. You can use it to boost the low end presence but it is easy to go too far. Here you'll learn to use it and avoid the pitfalls.


Module 6 - Adding Saturation To A Whole Mix (Start To Finish)


So you can see how this is all applied in a real life mixing situation, Jon takes you through one of his mixes and applies saturation to all the elements that need it. You'll see how adding saturation fattens up and gives presence to the selected elements and how it gels certain parts of the mix together to give a tight, warm and overall more spacious mix. Seeing this process will help you to apply saturation in your own mixes.


Jon Merritt (producer, tutor & founder of Born To Produce) has been making tunes for over 20 years and has been teaching for the last 10 of them. In his career, he has come to grips with many genres of modern music from Hard House to Downtempo.

His skill in music production has been crafted over many years of self taught experimentation and learning from other producers at the top of their game. He has tried almost every angle on most production techniques, so when he teaches you something you know it has been tried and tested, and refined. He is always willing to learn new skills / software that further the goal of music production.

Get in contact any time to give feedback, ask for help, or just say hello. Use the contact form HERE